Social media agency

Your new social media agency

As an experienced social media agency, we help companies successfully build their social media presence and achieve their social media marketing goals. With individual strategies and professional services, from content creation to advertising campaigns, we help you reach your target audience and strengthen your brand.

Let’s work together to take your social media presence to the next level.

Social media agency

As an experienced social media agency, we help companies successfully build their social media presence and achieve their social media marketing goals.

Let’s work together to take your social media presence to the next level.

Social media agency – professional services for successful social media strategies

As a social media agency, we offer companies professional services in the field of social media marketing. We see ourselves as experts in the development and implementation of successful social media strategies.

Our social media agency focuses on individual approaches for each client. With our years of experience in social media marketing, we can address the needs and goals of any business and develop a customized strategy.

We offer our clients comprehensive social media marketing services, such as creating engaging content, managing social media channels, running social media advertising campaigns and analyzing social media data.

Our social media agency works closely with our clients to ensure that the strategy developed actually achieves its goals. Regular analysis and reporting tools enable us to measure the success of our work and optimize it accordingly.

So if you are a company looking for an experienced and professional social media agency, then you have come to the right place. Our social media experts are available to help you successfully build your social media presence and achieve your social media marketing goals.

Unsere Social Media Marketing Erfolge im Detail

Sie möchten sich von Zahlen und Fakten überzeugen lassen? Dann schauen Sie sich unsere Erfolgsgeschichten an. Unsere Fallstudien präsentieren Ihnen auf einen Blick die Ergebnisse unserer Arbeit für unsere Kunden. Lassen Sie sich von unseren Erfolgen inspirieren und erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie wir auch Ihnen helfen können, Ihre Ziele mit unserem Social Media Marketing zu erreichen.

Social Media Agentur Aachen: Unsere Leistungen

Unsere Social Media Agentur bietet eine breite Auswahl an Dienstleistungen im Bereich Social Media Marketing für Unternehmen in Aachen.


Steigerung der Reichweite um 80% innerhalb von 3 Monaten

Problematik: Schwierigkeiten bei der Steigerung der Reichweite auf Social Media

Lösung: Entwicklung einer umfassenden Social Media Strategie, inklusive Schaffung von ansprechenden und aktuellen Inhalten.

Erfolg: Steigerung der Reichweite um 80% innerhalb von 3 Monaten, Erhöhung der Interaktion mit der Zielgruppe um 30%.


Besetzung der offenen Stellen, Verringerung der Rekrutierungskosten und -zeit

Problematik: Schwierigkeiten bei der Besetzung von Facharbeiterstellen

Lösung: Entwicklung einer Social Media Recruiting Strategie, inklusive gezielter Werbekampagnen und Schaffung von ansprechendem und informativen Inhalten, die für potenzielle Bewerber in diesem Bereich relevant sind.

Erfolg: Besetzung von 100% der offenen Stellen innerhalb von 6 Monaten, Verringerung der Rekrutierungskosten und -zeit.


Steigerung der Reichweite um 150% und des Umsatzes um 25%

Problematik: Schwierigkeiten bei der Steigerung des Bekanntheitsgrades und Kundengewinnung

Lösung: Entwicklung einer Social Media Marketing Strategie, inklusive gezielter Werbekampagnen auf relevanten Plattformen und Schaffung von ansprechendem und informativen Inhalten, die für die Zielgruppe relevant sind.

Erfolg: Steigerung der Reichweite um 150%, Erhöhung der Kundenbindung, Gewinnung von neuen Kunden, Steigerung des Umsatzes um 25%.

Online-Shop für Bequemschuhe

Steigerung der Verkaufszahlen um 20% innerhalb von 3 Monaten, Erhöhung der Conversion Rate um 15%

Problematik: Schwierigkeiten bei dem Verkauf von Bequemschuhen über einen Onlineshop

Lösung: Entwicklung einer umfassenden Social Media Strategie, die die Erstellung von attraktiven und informativen Inhalten über die Produkte und deren Vorteile beinhaltet, gezielte Werbekampagnen auf sozialen Medien durchführt und die Produktseiten auf der Webseite optimiert, um die Conversion Rate zu erhöhen.

Erfolg: Steigerung der Verkaufszahlen um 20% innerhalb von 3 Monaten, Erhöhung der Conversion Rate um 15%.

Unsere Social Media Marketing Pakete in der Übersicht

Unsere erfahrenen Social Media Experten unterstützen Sie dabei, Ihre Ziele zu erreichen und Ihre Social Media Präsenz zu stärken. Ob Sie eine Werbekampagne starten möchten, Ihre Social Media Inhalte optimieren oder Ihre Community pflegen wollen – wir haben das passende Angebot für Sie. Wählen Sie aus unseren verschiedenen Dienstleistungspaketen oder lassen Sie sich von uns ein individuelles Angebot erstellen.

Unsere Social Media Marketing Pakete in der Übersicht

Unsere erfahrenen Social Media Experten unterstützen Sie dabei, Ihre Ziele zu erreichen und Ihre Social Media Präsenz zu stärken. Ob Sie eine Werbekampagne starten möchten, Ihre Social Media Inhalte optimieren oder Ihre Community pflegen wollen – wir haben das passende Angebot für Sie. Wählen Sie aus unseren verschiedenen Dienstleistungspaketen oder lassen Sie sich von uns ein individuelles Angebot erstellen.

Social Media
Content Erstellung

ab 450,00 € / mtl.

ab 450,00 € / mtl.

Social Media Content-Erstellung ist für Unternehmen geeignet, die ihre Social-Media-Präsenz durch ansprechenden und relevanten Content erhöhen und ihre Zielgruppe ansprechen möchten.

  • ab 4 Beiträge pro Monat*

  • Entwicklung einer Social Media Strategie

  • Durchführung eines Social-Media-Audits inkl. Überprüfung, Optimierung und Erstellung von relevanten Konten
  • Erstellung von ansprechenden Inhalten für die relevanten Social-Media-Kanäle
  • Erstellen, Planen und Veröffentlichen von Beiträgen
  • Aufbau von Analysen, Insights und Reports

  • Regelmäßige Meetings für Berichterstattung und Co-Planung von Social-Media-Inhalten

  • Hervorheben von Beiträgen über bezahlte Werbeanzeigen

Mindestlaufzeit 6 Monate, danach monatlich kündbar.

*Preise variieren je nach Umfang der Leistungen.

Dieses Paket bietet Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Content, der Planung und Umsetzung einer Content-Strategie, der Erstellung von Social-Media-Reports und der Durchführung von Social-Listening und -Monitoring.

Social Media
Community Management

ab 350,00 € / mtl.

ab 350,00 € / mtl.

Social Media Community Management ist für Unternehmen geeignet, die ihre Social-Media-Präsenz durch aktives Community Management erhöhen und ihre Zielgruppe direkt ansprechen möchten.

  • Entwicklung von Social-Media-Richtlinien

  • Entwicklung einer Social-Media-Wachstumsstrategie

  • Community Management inkl. Beantwortung von Nachrichten und Kommentaren

  • Generieren von Followern und Abonnenten

  • Interaktion mit der Community (z.B. Liken, Teilen, Kommentieren)
  • Durchführung von Social-Listening und -Monitoring
  • Aufbau von Analysen, Insights und Reports

  • Regelmäßige Berichterstattung und Kommunikation

Mindestlaufzeit 6 Monate, danach monatlich kündbar.

Dieses Paket bietet Unterstützung bei der Beantwortung von Nachrichten und Kommentaren, der Durchführung von Social-Listening und -Monitoring, der Erstellung von Social-Media-Richtlinien und der regelmäßigen Beratung und Betreuung durch einen Social-Media-Experten.

Social Media
Ads / Werbeanzeigen

ab 350,00 € / mtl.

ab 350,00 € / mtl.

Social Media Werbeanzeigen sind für Unternehmen geeignet, die ihre Social-Media-Präsenz durch gezielte Werbung auf verschiedenen Plattformen erhöhen und ihre Zielgruppe erreichen möchten.

  • Zielgruppenanalyse und -definition
  • Erstellung von ansprechenden und zielgerichteten Werbekampagnen für die unternehmensspezifischen Social-Media-Kanäle

  • Erstellung und Optimierung von Text- und Bildmaterial für die Werbekampagnen (z.B. Schreibstil, Bildauswahl, Bildbearbeitung)
  • Optimierung der Werbekampagnen auf Basis von Analyse- und Performance-Daten

  • Integration des Werbepixels und Analyse von Pixeldaten

  • Erstellung von Reports und Auswertungen der Kampagnen-Performance
  • Regelmäßige Berichterstattung und Kommunikation

Mindestlaufzeit 3 Monate, danach monatlich kündbar.

Dieses Paket bietet Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Werbekampagnen, der Zielgruppenanalyse, der Schaltung von Anzeigen, der Optimierung der Kampagnen und der Berichterstellung der Kampagnen-Ergebnisse.

Individuelles Angebot

Sie haben besondere Anforderungen oder sind unsicher, welches unserer Dienstleistungspakete am besten zu Ihnen passt? Kein Problem!

Unsere Social Media Experten beraten Sie gerne und erstellen Ihnen ein Angebot, das Ihren Anforderungen entspricht.

Individuelles Angebot

Sie haben besondere Anforderungen oder sind unsicher, welches unserer Dienstleistungspakete am besten zu Ihnen passt? Kein Problem!

Unsere Social Media Experten beraten Sie gerne und erstellen Ihnen ein Angebot, das Ihren Anforderungen entspricht.

Contact us

Let’s have a conversation about your social media marketing.

Arrange a callback or contact us by email.

Answer usually within 48 hours

Arrange callback

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    What is a social media agency?

    A social media agency is a company that specializes in developing and implementing successful social media strategies. These agencies provide professional social media marketing services to businesses to increase their social media presence and achieve their social media marketing goals.

    A social media agency can help companies manage their social media channels, create engaging content, run advertising campaigns and analyze social media data. By working with a social media agency, companies can strengthen their brand and engage their target audience directly.

    There are many different social media agencies with different focuses and offerings. Before choosing a social media agency, find out about their experience, skills and credentials to make sure they meet your company’s needs.

    An experienced and professional social media agency can help achieve the company’s social media marketing goals and successfully position the brand on social media.

    A social media agency can also help to better understand the company’s target audience and implement targeted advertising campaigns. It can assist with audience profiling and understanding their behavior and interests on social media. This allows companies to create targeted and relevant content and engage their audience more effectively.

    A social media agency can also help measure and optimize the performance of the company’s social media activities. It can assist in analyzing social media data and understanding metrics such as reach, interactions and conversions. This allows companies to align their social media strategy with results and maximize their ROI.

    Overall, a social media agency can be a valuable partner for businesses looking to increase their social media presence and achieve their social media marketing goals. With the support of an experienced and professional social media agency, the company can strengthen its brand, reach its target audience and maximize its ROI.

    Frequently Asked Questions: Social Media Agency

    Frequently Asked Questions: Social Media Agency

    Social Media Marketing

    Which platforms are most suitable depends on various factors, such as the target market, the target group and the industry sector. Our social media experts can help you choose the right platforms for your business.

    To grow your social media presence, there are many options. For example, we can help you regularly publish interesting and relevant content to entertain and inform your followers. We can also use social media advertising to send your posts to a wide audience. Our social media agency has the expertise to help you create a successful social media strategy.

    To optimize your social media posts and get more reach, there are several factors to consider. For example, we can help you use the right keywords to better rank your posts in the search algorithms of social media platforms. Our social media experts in have the necessary knowledge and skills to optimize your posts and help you achieve your goals.

    Social media advertising offers the opportunity to target and send your ads to those most likely to be interested in your business. Our social media agency in can help you design your ads effectively and deliver them to the right audience.

    It’s important to measure and analyze the results of your social media activities to understand what’s working and what’s not. Our social media experts in can help you identify and track the right metrics and report back to you on how your campaigns are performing. This way, we can work together to improve your strategy and achieve better results.

    Good interaction with your followers is important to build a strong relationship with your target audience and strengthen your brand. Our social media agency in can help you engage your followers and answer their concerns and questions.

    Social media is a great way to attract new customers. Our social media agency in can help you promote your brand and offer to potential customers and get them interested. We can also use targeted social media advertising to send your posts and ads to those most likely to be interested in your business.

    Social media is also a great way to improve customer service. Our social media agency in can help you respond to customer concerns and questions quickly and professionally, and resolve issues.


    Contacting our social media agency is quite simple. You can either contact us directly by email or phone or arrange a callback. We will then contact you as soon as possible to arrange a free and non-binding consultation. During this conversation, we can get to know each other better and discuss how we can help you with our social media expertise. We look forward to hearing from you and are always open to new challenges and projects.

    It usually takes a few weeks to start seeing results, depending on how comprehensive your social media strategy is. However, we will work closely with you to ensure that we achieve your goals as quickly as possible. Our social media agency has the experience and knowledge to develop and implement effective strategies.

    We ensure that our social media strategy is aligned with your business goals by conducting a comprehensive analysis of your target markets and audiences at the outset of our collaboration. We also work closely with you to understand your specific goals and expectations and ensure our strategy is aligned with them.

    We provide our clients with regular reports detailing your campaign progress and results. The frequency of these reports is usually monthly.

    Our social media services are affordable and we offer flexible pricing options to provide the best solutions to our clients. We will be happy to provide you with an offer tailored to your individual needs and budget. Please contact us so that we can give you more detailed information about the cost of our services.

    The cost of our social media services is calculated based on the time spent working and the costs incurred. These costs will be discussed with you in advance and specified in our offer.

    The contract process with our social media agency is simple and straightforward. The contract includes all the services we will provide for you, as well as all costs and frequency of reports and meetings.

    Once we’ve created your quote, we’ll discuss all the details with you and make sure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. Once the contract is signed, we begin with a comprehensive analysis of your target markets and audiences, then develop and implement a customized social media strategy that aligns with your business goals.

    For whom is a social media agency worthwhile

    A social media agency can be a valuable support for companies in developing and implementing their social media strategy. However, there are certain factors that determine whether it makes sense to hire a social media agency and for what types of businesses it is best suited.

    A social media agency can be useful if a company is struggling to build its social media presence or meet social media marketing goals. An agency can help develop and implement a successful social media strategy that is tailored to the needs and goals of the business.

    A social media agency can also be helpful if a company does not have the resources or skills necessary to successfully execute its social media activities. An agency can assist with content creation, social media channel management, and advertising campaign execution.

    Companies that can benefit from the support of a social media agency include small and medium-sized businesses that are just entering the world of social media marketing, companies that want to optimize their existing social media strategy, or companies that do not have the resources or skills in-house to be successful in social media marketing.

    It is important to emphasize that hiring a social media agency is not a panacea and is not the best solution for every business. However, it is advisable to consider the option and seek advice from an experienced and professional social media agency to decide if it makes sense for the company to hire an agency.

    The advantages of hiring a social media agency

    As an experienced social media agency, we know how important it is for businesses to successfully build their social media presence and achieve their social media marketing goals. Therefore, we would like to present you the advantages of hiring a social media agency.

    An important advantage is the professional support we can offer you as an agency. We have the know-how and experience to develop and implement a successful social media strategy for your company. We can help you achieve your social media marketing goals and increase your social media presence.

    Another advantage is the time savings we can offer you. We take over the management of your social media channels and create engaging content for you. In addition, we carry out targeted advertising campaigns to address your target group directly.

    We can also help you better understand your target audience and execute targeted advertising campaigns. By profiling audiences and understanding their behavior and interests on social media, we can help you create targeted and relevant content.

    Another important advantage is the performance analysis that we can offer you. We help you analyze social media data and understand metrics like reach, interactions, and conversions. This allows us to work together to optimize your social media strategy and maximize your ROI.

    As an experienced social media agency, we also have industry-specific experience that we can incorporate into your social media campaign. Increased brand awareness and cost efficiency are also benefits we can offer you through our work.

    Flexibility is another important benefit of hiring a social media agency. We can respond quickly and flexibly to your company’s changing needs and goals and adapt your social media strategy accordingly.

    As an experienced social media agency, we are confident that we can offer you valuable support in the development and implementation of your social media strategy. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve your social media marketing goals and increase your social media presence.

    Why social media marketing is important for companies

    As social media marketers, we know that social media is an important part of today’s marketing mix. It allows companies to connect directly with their target audiences and build a relationship. Targeted social media activities can strengthen a company’s image and increase brand awareness.

    A successful social media strategy involves not only maintaining social media channels, but also analyzing data and implementing targeted advertising campaigns. Our social media agency has the skills and know-how to successfully implement all these aspects.

    We have successfully worked in social media marketing for various industries and company sizes and can therefore draw on a wide range of experience. Whether you are a small business just entering the world of social media marketing or a large company looking to optimize your existing strategy, our social media agency is the right partner for you.

    If you are interested in our social media marketing services, feel free to contact us. Our team of social media experts is always available to answer your questions and provide you with a no-obligation quote. Let’s work together to take your social media presence to the next level and successfully position your business in social media marketing.

    Contact us

    Let’s have a conversation about your social media marketing.

    Arrange a callback or contact us by email.

    Answer usually within 48 hours

    Arrange callback

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